
Week 4 – Intelligent Systems

This week we studied about adversarial search strategies. This is the search strategy where it involves the search to calculate the outcomes of games such as tic tac toe and backgammon.

We learned about the outcomes of deterministic games such as tic tac toe or chess and also non-deterministic games such as backgammon, in which they have chance nodes. In order to calculate, we learned about the minimax function to find the outcome. We are also given 3 exercises to practise our knowledge upon this material.

Written by kks101 in: Uncategorized |

Week 3 – Intelligent Systems

This week, in opposition to the week before, we studied about informed search strategies. These search strategies uses heuristic values into account when counting the path cost. We learned about A* Algorithm and also Genetic Algorithm, where we studied about search algorithms based on the concept of natural selection and genetics. Furthermore, we also learned about hill climbing where it involves searching its neighbors and find out the optimal result.

Written by kks101 in: Uncategorized |

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