Final Report Construct 2
Final Project Report Construct 2
Game Title : The Adventure of Potato Head
Members :
- Klementinus Kennyvito Salim – 2201811391
- Wely Dharma Putra – 2201808365
- Winson Wardana – 2201798345
How to Play:
This is a platformer game, similar to games such as Mario Bros. In order to play this game, you just need to use the arrow keys: arrow up to jump, arrow left to walk left and arrow right to walk right. The goal is to collect 3 keys each level in order to complete the level, and collect coins to as the score. There are 3 lives, if you hit a spikey or flying alien, you will lose 1 live. Use all 3 lives and game over, or if you fell down it is also game over. Complete until level 4 and you finished the game. Moreover, you can reset the levels by pressing the button on the top right of the main menu screen.
Player Controls :
- Left arrow to walk left
- Right arrow to walk right
- Up arrow to jump
Contributions for this project:
My contribution of this project is making level 4 and the ending credits scene, which is shown after you finished, and the level selection menu. I also diagnosed and checked the project if there is any errors or bugs.
Items we created by our own:
- Potato Head – Made by Wely Dharma Putra
Items we took :
- Blocks and background image :
- The creatures (walking and flying), and buttons :
- Sound Effects : : &
- Background Music :
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